Dining Services Policy
Updated: 1/25/2023
Contact: Student Life Office
Residential students with less than 90 cumulative credit hours are required to have a residential meal plan. The commuter meal plan is not classified as a residential meal plan. Seniors with 90 or more cumulative credit hours may opt for the commuter meal plan or no meal plan.
Meal plan use is tracked via the Dining Services FreshX App. Students are required to use the FreshX App to access the Dining Hall and are prohibited from using another student’s FreshX App or Dining Services account to access the Dining Hall or make dining services purchases. Students are required to use Cardinal Dollars to purchase meals for guests in the Dining Hall. Meals on the board plan may not be used for guests.
Unused Cardinal Dollars from the fall semester carry forward automatically to the immediately following spring semester if the student is enrolled on a meal plan during said spring semester. Otherwise, Cardinal Dollar balances do not transfer or carry forward.
See Jewell’s Dining Services website provider for meal plan options and information about Dining Services.