Emergency Lockdown Switch Policy and Procedure

Created: 10/21/24
Contact: Campus Safety Director

Location of Switches

  • Executive suite outside the Chief Financial Officer’s office
  • In the Business Office by the copy machine by Director of Human Resource’s office
  • Campus Security Director’s Office, 124 Curry Hall

The following personnel are authorized to request/engage/disengage the switches after receiving confirmation of qualifying situations:

  • President 
  • Vice President of Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Life 
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs 
  •  Chief Financial Officer 
  • Vice President for Institutional Advancement 
  • Vice President for Access and Engagement
  • Director of Campus Safety
  • Chief Operations Officer
  • Dean of Students

Engage the lockdown switch upon receiving confirmation of any emergency with any of the following characteristics

  • Active Shooter
  • Threat of violence
  • Immediate or impending threat to the campus
  •  Hostage situation
  •  Riot
  •  Police activity nearby


  • Terrorist incident
  • Armed intruder
  • Rioting
  • Escaped inmate that is believed to be a danger

Do NOT use the switch for natural disasters or other emergencies that do not involve a human aggressor. Generally, do not use the switch if the emergency is contained in one building.

Disengage the switch upon receiving confirmation that the incident has been resolved or under direction from law enforcement or Campus Safety.

How to Use the Switch
To engage the switch, move the switch to the down/open position. This will immediately lock all electronic locks on campus (exterior and interior) and disable most key cards.

To disengage the switch, move the switch to the up/closed position. This will set locks and cards to their previous condition.

All switches must be in a disengaged position for the doors to unlock.

Once this procedure is activated, please do the following:

  • Remain calm: Remain calm and quiet 
  • Stop activity: Stop all activity and cease what you are doing 
  • Lock doors and windows: Close and lock all doors and windows 
  • Find a safe space: Find a room that can be locked and stay there until you are told to move 
  • Hide from view: Get out of sight and move away from windows and doors 
  • Silence electronics: Turn off lights and silent cell phones and other electronics 
  • Follow instructions: Follow any instructions given by school officials or law enforcement 
  • Cooperate with authorities: Cooperate with law enforcement officials 
  • Do not activate fire alarms since this will trigger people to leave safe areas and go outside where it might not be as safe or put them in a position where they encounter the threat.
  • Stay put: Remain under lockdown until an “all clear – lockdown is over” announcement will be made through the campus emergency notification system.

Proactive safety

  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Keep your office or classroom door in a locked position, even if the door is open.
  • Know your best escape routes.

We conduct a lockdown drill annually, only in the event of a drill any persons that are locked out of the buildings need to immediately go to the Mabee Center parking lot (card access will not work)

In the event of an actual need to lock down the campus, all people that are locked out of the buildings need to get off of the campus immediately until further notice.

Communication will be made through the RAVE system and email.

Remember: These are general guidelines. All emergencies are different and may require response changes as events unfold. The information that you receive about the event may be erroneous and constantly changing. Also, remember that you are your best defense. Be prepared before an event occurs. There are also different types of lockdowns. This policy and procedure is solely in the event of a lockdown switch activation.