Daniel Kotzin, Ph.D.

Professor of History and Chair; Oxbridge Chair in History Core Curriculum, History, Oxbridge History

Dr. Kotzin's areas of specialty are American immigration history, the history of the Civil War, modern Jewish history and the history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. He is author of Judah L. Magnes: An American Jewish Non-Conformist (Syracuse University Press, 2010). Dr. Kotzin’s current research project examines Irish soldiers during the Civil War. He is also interested in the pedagogy of history teaching and has led workshops on teaching American slavery. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Kotzin is an avid baseball fan, enjoys the music of Bruce Springsteen and relishes any opportunity to go kayaking.

Links to samples of Dr. Kotzin’s work:


  • University of California at Irvine
  • New York University
  • New York University