Employee Conduct Policy

Updated: 12/7/2016; Reviewed: 4/30/24
Contact: Office of Human Resources

Statement of Professional Ethics
William Jewell College is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct set forth in the Mission, Vision and Values of William Jewell College. The College expects all employees to observe those standards of personal conduct that will lead to responsible relationships with one another both within and outside the classroom. William Jewell College will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects all employees to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct. All employees are expected to use good judgement and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in all of their dealings with other employees and with students. Employees must exhibit the highest degree of personal integrity at all times, refraining from any behavior that might be harmful to the College.

Professional Expectations
It is important for employees to remember that attitude and conduct are significant factors in work performance. It is the duty of each employee to be courteous with all whom they interact within the normal course of business. The College expects that all employees will maintain the highest degree of integrity and honesty.

Employee conduct has a direct bearing on the general public opinion of the College; therefore, it is imperative that employees respect the rights of others and conduct themselves in a professional and businesslike manner.

Personal neatness and appropriate attire are left largely to the discretion and mature judgment of the staff member. Supervisors and department heads may establish minimum requirements for attire appropriate to tasks and working conditions since a employee’s appearance reflects upon the image of the College.

The College maintains confidential records for a variety of business needs. As a matter of College policy, confidential information about employees is not released upon outside inquiry without written authorization by the employee or or as required by law. General inquiries from media outlets should be referred to the College Relations office, while specific requests with respect to College employees should be referred to the Office of Human Resources.

The release of information about students is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). The act applies to both currently enrolled students and alumni. Confidential information is maintained by many offices on campus. Following appropriate safeguards and full compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act are requirements of College policy. Questions about how this policy applies to a specific situation should be addressed to the Dean of Students.

In keeping with these policies, anyone who handles personal information about students or staff has the obligation to maintain strict confidentiality.

Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Standards
Employment by the College carries with it a responsibility to be constantly aware of the importance of ethical conduct. Employees are expected to refrain from taking part in, or exerting influence in, any transaction in which their own interests may conflict with the best interests of the College.

An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative/friend as a result of the College’s business dealings. If any employee has influence on transactions involving purchases or contracts, the employee must disclose the potential conflict to the supervisor so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.

It is not possible in a general policy statement to define all the other various circumstances and relationships that would be considered “unethical.” Please refer to the Employee Personal Gifts policy for information on gifts from vendors, potential vendors, customers, potential employees or any other outside individual or organization. The following list suggests some, but not all, of the types of activity that would pose a potential conflict or would limit an employee’s ability to discharge job duties and responsibilities in an ethical manner:

  • Using one’s position, knowledge, or access to College records for outside personal gains;
  • Directing College business to a firm in which the employee or relative has a substantial financial or management interest;
  • Accepting personal gifts or excessive entertainment from any outside vendor, organization or agency;
  • Falsifying timekeeping records or other College documents;
  • Using College property or equipment for personal tasks;
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs; and
  • Conducting personal business during scheduled work hours.